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Viewing 21-30 of 50 total results
Enhancing Strategies to Improve Workplace Performance
to explore what strategies are essential for organizational leaders to improve workplace performance. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs served as the conceptual framework for this study. Data collection involved face-to-face, semistructured interviews of 20 managers, floor employees, and clerical staff from a business organization in Southwest Georgia.
Biometric Facial Recognition - FindBiometrics
Where do I find facial recognition? Face biometrics have the potential to be integrated anywhere you can find a modern camera. Law enforcement agencies the world over use biometric software to scan faces in CCTV footage, as well as to identify persons of interest in the field.
 Multi-Adversarial Discriminative Deep Domain ...
eralized to new face presentation attacks. tures [32]. Temporal-based methods are proposed to extract various temporal cues, such as facial motions [23, 28, 26] or rPPG [16, 18]. Although these methods obtain promis-ing performance in intra-dataset experiments where train-ing and testing data are from the same dataset, the perfor-...
5 Ways to Improve Your Compensation Strategy
5 Ways to Improve Your Compensation Strategy Topics: Tess C. Taylor, PHR Years ago, a college graduate had a long-term future and a pension plan with a single company to look forward to.
The Face Recognition Algorithm That Finally Outperforms Humans
But no algorithm has come close to matching this performance. Until now. The new algorithm works by normalising each face into a 150 x 120 pixel image, by transforming it based on five image ...
 Deep Face Recognition
methods which cannot be described in detail here (see for example the references in [15] for an overview). This work is concerned mainly with deep architectures for face recognition. The defining characteristic of such methods is the use of a CNN feature extractor, a learnable function obtained by composing several linear and non-linear operators.
 Face Detection using LBP features - Machine learning
Most of existing face detection algorithms consider a face detection as binary (two-class) classification problem. Even though it looks a simple classification problem, it is very complex to build a good face classifier. Therefore, learning-based approaches, such as neural network-based methods or supports vector machine (SVM) methods, have been...
EMGU Multiple Face Recognition using PCA and Parallel ...
Using EMGU to perform Principle Component Analysis (PCA) multiple face recognition is achieved. Using .Net Parallel toolbox real time analysis and optimisation is introduced in a user friendly application. Face Recognition has always been a popular subject for image processing and this article ...
Incentives for Better Performance in Health Care
Incentives for better performance in health care have several modes and methods. They are designed to motivate and encourage people to perform well and improve their outcomes. They may include monetary or non-monetary incentives and may be applied to consumers, individual providers or institutions. One such model is the Pay-for-Performance system.
7 Reasons Performance Management Fails And How To Fix Them
Performance management is often seen as a bureaucratic process forced by HR, which adds little or no value to the business. If you don’t have performance management in place yet, or if you are looking to improve your current process, here are 7 challenges you want to address during your planning stage to ensure you get the highest return on your investment.
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