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Viewing 11-20 of 50 total results
 Face Recognition Performance: Role of Demographic Information
degrade face recognition performance (e.g., PIE, image qual-ity, aging). In order to maximize the potential benefit of face recognition in forensics and law enforcement applications, we need to improve the ability of face recognition to sort through facial images more accurately and in a manner that will allow...
Gait Recognition using MDA, LDA, BPNN and SVM
Gait offers ability of distance recognition or at low resolution. In this paper it will present the review of gait recognition system where different approaches and classification categories of Gait recognition like model free and model based approach, MDA, BPNN, LDA, and SVM.
Reward and Recognition Questionnaire – Workforce
Reward and recognition programs are designed to encourage and reward outstanding achievement. This questionnaire is designed to gain your perspectives on forms of recognition preferred by employees. Typically, reward and recognition programs are designed to encourage and reward individual and/or ...
Build a Face Detection Model on a Video using Python
Step 2.3: Install face_recognition API; Finally, ... If everything works correctly, a new window will pop up with real-time face detection running. To summarize, this is what our above code did: ... 4 Proven Tricks to Improve your Deep Learning Model’s Performance . November 7, 2019 .
2000 Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List ...
He never feels satisfied with his performance. He always seeks new ways to improve himself. He is supportive of new ideas, goals and working methods no matter where they come from. He is always ready to take over new tasks whenever needed. Has excellent communication skills. He gets the job done through the best use of people....
Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) | NIST
The Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) was conducted in an effort to fulfill the promise of these new techniques. The primary goal of the FRGC was to promote and advance face recognition technology designed to support existing face recognition efforts in the U.S. Government.
How Companies Implemented the New Revenue Recognition Standard
In addition, the new revenue recognition standard advises companies to allocate transaction prices based on a stand-alone selling price basis, i.e. the amount that a good or service would sell for ...
Erik Learned-Miller - UMass Amherst
Using this alignment mechanism, new members of the class, such as faces resulting from a face detector, can be precisely aligned for the recognition process. Our alignment method improves performance on a face recognition task, both over unaligned images and over images aligned with a face alignment algorithm specifically developed for and ......
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4 A Community Health Improvement Process | Improving ...
This chapter describes a community health improvement process that provides such a framework. Critical to this process are performance monitoring activities to ensure that appropriate steps are being taken by responsible parties and that those actions are having the intended impact on health in the community.
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Multiple face detection and recognition in real time ...
Keep in mind: The face recognition algorithms based in PCA (Principal Component Analysis) do multiple comparisons and matches between a face detected and the trained images stored in binary database for this reason And for improve the accurate of recognition you should add several images of the same person in different angles, positions and ......
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