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Viewing 41-50 of 50 total results
Facebook's facial recognition software is now as accurate ...
Facebook’s facial recognition research project, DeepFace (yes really), is now very nearly as accurate as the human brain. DeepFace can look at two photos, and irrespective of lighting or angle ...
10 Trends in Employee Recognition - dummies
Recognition has undergone significant changes in just a few generations. By far the most significant current trend in employee recognition is the impact technology is making on the topic. Following are ten other major ways recognition has evolved in today’s work environments. It’s decentralized and informal In the past, corporate headquarters or the human resources […]
Benchmarking: A Method for Continuous Quality Improvement ...
Benchmarking, a management approach for implementing best practices at best cost, is a recent concept in the healthcare system. The objectives of this paper are to better understand the concept and its evolution in the healthcare sector, to propose an operational definition, and to describe some ...
The Face Detection Algorithm Set to Revolutionize Image ...
Part of their trick was to ignore the much more difficult problem of face recognition and concentrate only on detection. ... based methods and showed that our method results in faster and more ...
Generations in the Workforce & Marketplace:
Preferences ...
Much is made of the differences between generations of workers and consumers. The popular media, authors, consultants, reporters, professional speakers and others drive the conversation, sometimes in a genuine effort to help, in other cases, perhaps to fan the flames of a debate that may deserve less attention. For organizations hoping to tailor their incentive and engagement programs for ...
RevenueHub | Revenue Recognition: Simplified
RevenueHub publishes plain-English articles and example-based case studies that explain the major aspects of the new revenue recognition standard. ... Stay up-to-date on an entity’s required ASC 606 transition date and its most beneficial transition method, which varies based on entity type and industry.
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Face Recognition with OpenCV — OpenCV documentation
Automatic face recognition is all about extracting those meaningful features from an image, putting them into a useful representation and performing some kind of classification on them. Face recognition based on the geometric features of a face is probably the most intuitive approach to face recognition....
7 Management Practices That Can Improve Employee Productivity
All companies want to improve employee productivity, but how often do they examine their own management practices as a means of attaining it? Studies consistently show that a disturbingly high ...
Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images ...
Note that we are continuing to improve the quality of the frontalized images, and may post updates to both these collections (hence the version numbers on both files). What’s New. 6-June-2017 Please see our followup project on face recognition, with more details on rendering and new Python code supporting more rendered views.
 Performance-Based Approach to the Use of Swipe Samples in ...
----- Performance-Based Approach to the Use of Swipe Samples in a Radiological or Nuclear Incident PREFACE This document describes the various swipe techniques that may be used to sample surfaces contaminated by radioactive materials following an incident such as the detonation of an improvised nuclear device (IND) or a radiological dispersal device (RDD) ("dirty bomb").
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