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MonALISA: An agent based, dynamic service system to ...
The MonALISA (Monitoring Agents in a Large Integrated Services Architecture) framework provides a set of distributed services for monitoring, control, management and global optimization for large scale distributed systems. It is based on an ensemble of autonomous, multi-threaded, agent-based subsystems which are registered as dynamic services....
 An Agent Based, Dynamic Service System to Monitor, Control ...
An Agent Based, Dynamic Service System to Monitor, Control and Optimize Distributed Systems ¾MonALISA is a Dynamic, Distributed Service System capable to collect any type of information from different systems, to analyze it in near real time and to provide support for automated control decisions and global...
A Distributed Optimized Approach based on the Multi Agent ...
A Distributed Optimized Approach based on the Multi Agent Concept for the Implementation of a Real Time Carpooling Service with an Optimization Aspect on Siblings ... the distributed and dynamic ...
A Distributed Optimized Approach based on the Multi Agent ...
To address these gaps, we introduce a novel approach called DOMARTiC: a Distributed Optimized approach based on the Multi-Agent concept for the implementation of a Real Time Carpooling service. We particularly focus on the distributed and dynamic aspect not only within the geographical network’s representation but also regarding the used ......
Agent-based manufacturing execution systems for short ...
New concepts, which are based on the service orientation of holonic manufacturing systems, can be found in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Web Services, Manufacturing Service Bus (MSB), Distributed Intelligence (DI) and product-driven automation, Service-oriented Multi-Agent Systems (SoMAS) and the resource ......
Multi-agent system - Wikipedia
A multi-agent system (MAS or "self-organized system") is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents [citation needed].Multi-agent systems can solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve. [citation needed] Intelligence may include methodic, functional, procedural approaches, algorithmic search or ......
A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development | SpringerLink
This paper provides an overview of research and development activities in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. It aims to identify key concepts and applications, and to indicate how they relate to one-another. Some historical context to the field of agent-based computing is given, and contemporary research directions are ......
Agent-based model - Wikipedia
An agent-based model (ABM) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary ......
 Deployment of Distributed Multi-agent Systems
domain and implementation aspects [4]. In addition, whatever methodology is selected, the tool support is always relatively poor and does not cover all phases of the development process. Besides the methodology, the development of agent-based applications is dif-ficult, because the software is distributed and dynamic in nature and demands...
Distributed multi-agent scheduling and ... - SpringerLink
Abstract. This paper deals with the development of a distributed multi-agent system (DMAS) for scheduling and controlling Robotic Flexible Assembly Cells (RFAC).In the proposed system, an approach for solving one of the most challenging decisional problems in RFAC is proposed and implemented.
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