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Soft Shadow Rendering based on Real Light Source ...
Thus, this paper will focus on generating soft shadow in AR scene render based on real light sources position, where reflective sphere is used to create environment map image to estimate the light source from the real scene and render the soft shadows....
A quadratic spline approximation using detail multi-layer ...
QSI estimates boarder hard shadow samples while DML involves three main phases: real light sources estimation, soft shadow production and reduction of the complexity of 3-Dimensional objects’ shadows. To be more precise, a reflective hemisphere is used to capture real light and to create an environment map....
Realistic Shadows for Mobile Augmented Reality | Request PDF
Hard shadow is generated by point light sources or directional light sources, and soft shadow is generated by area or volume light sources. Although it is soft shadow that really occurs in real ......
A quadratic spline approximation using detail multi-layer ...
A quadratic spline approximation using detail multi-layer for soft shadow generation in augmented reality. ... technique to optimize the volume of computations for the generation of soft shadows based on real light sources. QSI estimates boarder hard shadow samples while DML involves three main phases: real light sources estimation, soft shadow ......
Shadow Generation in Mixed Reality: A Comprehensive Survey ...
Therefore, far light sources could generate almost desirable results but for close light sources the results were not acceptable. Noh et al. [4 Z. Noh, and M. S. Sunar, “ Soft shadow rendering based on real light source estimation in augmented reality,” Adv. Multimedia – Int. J., Vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 26 – 36, 2010....