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Viewing 1-6 of 6 total results
 Deep Face Recognition: A Survey
landscape of face recognition (FR) since 2014, launched by the breakthroughs of Deepface method. Since then, deep FR technique, which leverages hierarchical architecture to stitch together pixels into invariant face representation, has dramat-ically improved the state-of-the-art performance and fostered successful real-world applications.
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 FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net ...
FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition Hui Ding 1, Shaohua Kevin Zhou2 and Rama Chellappa 1 University of Maryland, College Park 2 Siemens Healthcare Technology Center, Princeton, New Jersey Abstract—Relatively small data sets available for expression
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Build a Face Detection Model on a Video using Python
Step 2.3: Install face_recognition API; Finally, ... If everything works correctly, a new window will pop up with real-time face detection running. To summarize, this is what our above code did: ... 4 Proven Tricks to Improve your Deep Learning Model’s Performance . November 7, 2019 .
 Multi-Adversarial Discriminative Deep Domain ...
eralized to new face presentation attacks. tures [32]. Temporal-based methods are proposed to extract various temporal cues, such as facial motions [23, 28, 26] or rPPG [16, 18]. Although these methods obtain promis-ing performance in intra-dataset experiments where train-ing and testing data are from the same dataset, the perfor-...
 Deep Face Recognition
methods which cannot be described in detail here (see for example the references in [15] for an overview). This work is concerned mainly with deep architectures for face recognition. The defining characteristic of such methods is the use of a CNN feature extractor, a learnable function obtained by composing several linear and non-linear operators.
Pushing the boundaries of Face Recognition systems ...
Pushing the boundaries of Face Recognition systems ... It's clear that the new CNN-based method is able to improve recall and give more assertive recognition in terms of confidence values ...