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TARCS: A Topology Change Aware-Based Routing Protocol ...
trends of adaptive routing protocols with the increasing requirements of quality of service (QoS). In response to the above objectives, this paper proposes a solution for choosing routing protocols in highly dynamic FANETs, namely TARCS (topology change aware-based routing protocol choosing scheme). The TARCS scheme is divided into the ......
Improving TORA Protocol using Ant Colony Optimization ...
ad hoc networks. Keywords MANETs, ACO, Routing protocols, TORA, Ant-TORA 1. Introduction A rapid growth and research has been seen in the field of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) implementeddue to their dynamic nature and infrastructure-less AntTORAend-to-end communication. A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of...
 Quality of Service Aware Routing Protocol for a Self ...
Quality of Service Aware Routing Protocol for a Self-Organized Communication Network Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are characterized by two dimensions namely, any-where and anytime. The freely moving participating nodes can form an ad hoc network anywhere, and the mobile nodes can join or leave the network anytime. A particular...
 Mobile Communications Chapter 8: Network Protocols/Mobile IP
Routing in ad-hoc networks THE big topic in many research projects qFar > 50 different proposals exist qThe most simplest one: Flooding! Reasons qClassical approaches from fixed networks fail lFast link quality changes, slow convergence, large overhead qHighly dynamic, low bandwidth, low computing power Metrics for routing qMinimize...
 AQTR: The Ant based QoS aware improved Temporally Ordered ...
AQTR: The Ant based QoS aware improved Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm for MANETs Debajit Sensarma1 1 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, INDIA I. ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links....