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Viewing 31-40 of 48 total results
Networked File Systems - Rutgers University
Such file systems are referred to as network attached storage (NAS), networked/network file systems, or distributed file systems. A file service is a specification of what the file system offers to clients. ... Cache coherence is possible; the server can know which clients are caching which blocks of a file....
Teapot: A Domain-Specific Language for Writing Cache ...
Cache coherence is of concern when parallel and distributed systems make local replicas of shared data to improve scalability and performance. In both distributed shared memory systems and distributed file systems, a coherence protocol maintains agreement among the replicated copies as the underlying data are modified by programs running on the ......
CHAPTER 6: DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS Chapter outline • DFS design and implementation issues: system structure, file access, and sharing semantics • Transaction and concurrency control: serializability and concurrency control protocols • Replicated data management: one-copy serializability and coherency control protocols
Data Coherency - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
In other words, if data is coherent, data on the server and all the clients is synchronized. One type of software system that provides data coherency is a revision control system (RCS). Such a system is usually fairly simple, with only one user allowed to modify a specified file at a time. Others can read the file but cannot change it....
Understanding Configuration - Oracle
Coherence is configured out-of-box to use the first coherence-cache-config.xml file that is found on the classpath. To use a coherence-cache-config.xml file, the file must be located on the classpath and must precede the coherence.jar library; otherwise, the sample coherence-cache-config.xml file that is located in the coherence.jar is used....
Persisting Caches
Persistence is declaratively configured using Coherence configuration files and requires no changes to application code. An operational override file is used to configure the underlying persistence implementation if the default settings are not acceptable. A cache configuration file is used to set persistence properties on a distributed cache....
US9489389B2 - System and method for maintaining cache ...
A cache manager maintains coherency of cached objects used by applications in a computing system. The cache manager maintains a cache memory of objects as they are accessed by an application. The cache manager tracks cached objects on a per-application basis using a cache database, storing for each object metadata comprising the generation number of the application using the cached object, and ......
Frequently Asked Questions - Lustre Wiki
Which disk file systems are supported as Lustre back-end file systems? Lustre includes an enhanced version of the ext4 file system, called ldiskfs, with additional functional and performance enhancements. It is also possible to use the OpenZFS file system to increase the scalability and robustness of the back-end file system....
Readings | Distributed Computer Systems Engineering ...
Hagmann, Robert. "Reimplementing the Cedar File System Using Logging and Group Commit." ACM Operating Systems Review, SIGOPS 21, no. 5 (1987): 155-162. 8: Cache consistency and locking: Mann, Timothy, et al. "A Coherent Distributed File Cache With Directory Write-behind." ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 12, no. 2 (May 1994): 123-164. (Read ......
 Christopher A. Kent
2 Cache Coherence in Distributed Systems A cache system iscoherentif, whenever an object is read, the returned value is the one most recently written. A system with only one cache is coherent because there is only one path to and from the objects ---- through the single cache. In a system withN processing elements,N>1,...
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