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Viewing 21-30 of 48 total results
Planning the Shortest Path in Cluttered Environments: A ...
An Immunological Approach to Mobile Robot Reactive Navigation,” ... Modelling and Optimization Using an Improved Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing Algorithm,” ... Robot Path Planning in Uncertain Environments: A Language-Measure-Theoretic Approach. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control ......
Simulated annealing and Boltzmann machines: a stochastic ...
Lv P, Zhang J and Lu M An optimal method for multiple observers sitting on terrain based on improved simulated annealing techniques Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence: industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, (373-382)
Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques and Its ...
A path planning based on PF approach with SA is developed in .Finally, in was presented a multi operator based SA approach for navigation in uncertain environments. A case particle are militar applications, with an uninhabited combat air vehicle (UCAV)....
Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Algorithm ...
Introduction. Path planning is a key issue in the field of mobile robot research. Its main purpose is to find an optimal or suboptimal, safe and collision-free path from the starting point to the target point in the environment with obstacle (Cheng et al., 2010; Deepak et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2013).According to the degree of intelligence in the process of path planning, mobile robot path ...
An Overview of Nature-Inspired, Conventional, and Hybrid ...
H. Miao and Y. Tian, “Robot path planning in dynamic environments using a simulated annealing based approach,” in Proceedings of the 2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), pp. 1253–1258, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008.
GitHub - PaoPaoRobot/ICRA2019-paper-list: ICRA2019 paper ...
ICRA2019-paper-list. The 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) has been held on 20-24 May 2019 in Montreal, Canada. The ICRA 2019 is a flagship IEEE Robotics & Automation Society conference and will feature a premiere international venue for international robotics researchers.
A cubic spline method combing improved particle swarm ...
In the early stages of that research, some traditional and classical methods were used in robot path planning, for example, simulated annealing algorithm, artificial potential field (APF) method, fuzzy logic algorithm, tabu search algorithm, and the A* method. 8,9,10,11,12 Another kind of method usually used is a graphical method, for example ...
A Modified Membrane-Inspired Algorithm Based on Particle ...
To solve the multi-objective mobile robot path planning in a dangerous environment with dynamic obstacles, this paper proposes a modified membraneinspired algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (mMPSO), which combines membrane systems with particle swarm optimization. In mMPSO, a dynamic double one-level membrane structure is introduced to arrange the particles with various dimensions ...
Path planning for mobile robot using self-adaptive ...
As a challenging optimization problem, path planning for mobile robot refers to searching an optimal or near-optimal path under different types of constrains in complex environments. In this paper, a self-adaptive learning particle swarm optimization (SLPSO) with different learning strategies is proposed to address this problem. First, we transform the path planning problem into a minimisation ...
Job Shop Scheduling by Simulated Annealing | Operations ...
The algorithm is based on simulated annealing, a generalization of the well known iterative improvement approach to combinatorial optimization problems. The generalization involves the acceptance of cost-increasing transitions with a nonzero probability to avoid getting stuck in local minima.
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