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Viewing 1-4 of 4 total results
Different Nature-Inspired Techniques Applied for Motion ...
Miao H, Tian YC. Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments using a Simulated Annealing Based Approach. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). 2008:1253-1258. Synodinos A, Aspragathos NA. Robot Path Planning of a Mobile Robot using Solid Modeling Techniques on Potential Fields....
 Different Nature-Inspired Techniques Applied for Motion ...
Wheeled robot navigation in unknown environments using Evolutionary-group-based particle-swarm optimized fuzzy controller Kundu, et al. [47] Designed navigational strategy for mobile robot using fuzzy-neuro approach Pradhan, et al. [48] Presented navigation of multiple mobile robots using rule-based-neuro-fuzzy technique Algabri, et al. [50 ......
Sampling-based A algorithm for robot
the-art use of simulated annealing in motion planning (Zucker et al., 2013). We mention these methods mainly because one of the central novelty in the present paper is the application of a simulated annealing strategy to balance exploration and exploitation in the proposed sampling-based motion planner. This paper is organized as follows.
 Drug Delivery Based on Swarm Microrobots
introduced a constrained multi-objective PSO algorithm to solve the robot path planning problem, in which the robots must evade the uncertain danger sources. PSO-based motion planner was presented by Deepak et al.18 for an autonomous mobile robot in avoiding obstacles and generating feasible trajectories within its unknown environments....