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A Novel Secret Sharing Technique Using QR Code
Any mobile device with capture function can read content from a barcode tag directly. When a barcode contains important data or privacy information, the risk of security becomes an important problem. In this paper, the QR code is employed to design the secret sharing mechanism so that the data privacy during data transmission can be enhanced.
High payload secret hiding technology for QR codes ...
Quick response (QR) code has become one of the more popular two-dimensional barcodes because of its greater data capacity and higher damage resistance. The barcode scanners can easily extract the information hidden in the QR code while scanning the data modules. However, some sensitive data directly stored in QR codes are insecure in real-world QR applications, such as the e-ticket and e-coupon....
Impementation of QR Code Based Secure System for ...
In the era of technology data security and information sharing is always a hot topic to talk on. There are lot of methods that are being used in security for secret information sharing such as cryptography, steganography, watermarking etc. another technology that is being used by people is QR code based information sharing but this technology is not enough to provide privacy in information ......
Online Qr Lab - Resource Guide On QR Codes
A Novel Secret Sharing Technique Using QR Codes – Information on how data privacy can be enhanced during the scanning and transmission of QR codes. 7 Things You Should Know About QR Codes – A great Q&A explaining all the basics of QR codes....
Privacy concerns slow U.S. use of phone location data to ...
Singapore, too, has asked people to use a voluntary location-tracking system based around QR codes — the square bar codes with information readable by smartphones — installed in cabs, offices ...