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Dynamic face recognition: From human to machine vision ...
Much is known about the neural systems that subserve face recognition in adult humans and primates. Face-selective neurons have been found in the inferior temporal areas (TEa and TEm), the superior temporal sensory area, the amygdala, the ventral striatum (which receives input from the amygdala) and the inferior convexity .Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), an area in the ......
Face Recognition using Neural Network - MAFIADOC.COM
1.3.4 Hidden Markov Model Stochastic modeling of nonstationary vector time series based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) has been very successful for speech applications. Samaria and Fallside [21] applied this method to human face recognition.
 Facial expression recognition & classification using ...
facial expression recognition system using neural network [4]. Facial expression recognition provides an important behavior for the detailed research of emotion or feelings. Now this paper, the neural network models define the mechanized facial expression recognition method with hybridization of ICA and Genetic procedure....