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Single image super resolution based on integration of ...
In view of the limitation in term of direction that the existing interpolation reconstruction algorithm of single image and super resolution (SR) image cannot fully utilize the specific geometric features of the image itself, this paper proposed a novel SR algorithm of single image based on the integration of Bandelet geometric-flow-oriented interpolation and total variation in wavelet domain ......
Wavelet Algorithms for High-Resolution Image ...
(2007) Super-resolution reconstruction based on linear interpolation of wavelet coefficients. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 18 :2-3, 153-171. (2007) Fast and Stable Bayesian Image Expansion Using Sparse Edge Priors.
OSA | End-to-end Res-Unet based reconstruction algorithm ...
Recently, deep neural networks have attracted great attention in photoacoustic imaging (PAI). In PAI, reconstructing the initial pressure distribution from acquired photoacoustic (PA) signals is a typically inverse problem. In this paper, an end-to-end Unet with residual blocks (Res-Unet) is designed and trained to solve the inverse problem in PAI. The performance of the proposed algorithm is ...
Iterative Algorithms Based on Decoupling of Deblurring and ...
The iterative algorithms are based on decoupling of deblurring and denoising steps in the restoration process. In the deblurring step, an efficient deblurring method using fast transforms can be employed. In the denoising step, effective methods such as the wavelet shrinkage denoising method or the total variation denoising method can be used....
A performance comparison among different super-resolution ...
bib0165 Ji H, Fermüller C. Wavelet-based super-resolution reconstruction: theory and algorithm. In: ECCV; 2006. p. 295-307. Google Scholar Digital Library; bib0170 H. Ji, C. Fermuller, Robust wavelet-based super-resolution reconstruction: theory and algorithm, IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, 31 (2009) 649-660. Google Scholar Digital Library...
Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm To MODIS Remote ...
Therefore, super-resolution (SR) image reconstruction techniques, which can reconstruct one or a set of HR images from a sequence of low-resolution (LR) images of the same scene, have widely been researched in the last two decades. Multi-frame SR problem was first formulated by Tsai and Huang in the frequency domain. They proposed a formulation ......
A Total Variation Regularization Based Super-Resolution ...
Super-resolution (SR) reconstruction technique is capable of producing a high-resolution image from a sequence of low-resolution images. In this paper, we study an efficient SR algorithm for digital video. To effectively deal with the intractable problems in SR video reconstruction, such as inevitable motion estimation errors, noise, blurring, missing regions, and compression artifacts, the ......