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Biology, B.S. < Wake Forest University
For the B.S. major, the schedule of biology and related courses is flexible. After completing BIO 150, BIO 150L, BIO 160, and BIO 160L, students should select courses from the 200- and 300-levels in accord with their interests and career goals.It is recommended that all prospective majors take CHM 111 and CHM 111L in the fall of the first year and complete BIO 150 and BIO 150L and STA 111 or ......
Biology (BIO) < Wake Forest University
Biology (BIO) All BIO courses numbered 211 through 399 require BIO 150, BIO 150L, BIO 160, and BIO 160L as prerequisites with the exception of BIO 213 and BIO 214.Additional prerequisites may be required and are noted in individual course descriptions....