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Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
Viewpoint Invariant Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis and Attractor Networks. ADVANCES IN NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS. [Cited by 75] (6.72/year) BARTLETT, M.S., J.R. MOVELLAN and T.J. SEJNOWSKI, 2002. Face recognition by independent component analysis. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 367] (59.51/year)...
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Evaluation of the independent component analysis algorithm ...
Keywords: Face recognition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Yale face database. 1. INTRODUCTION Face Recognition is the process of identifying or recognizing a particular familiar face from a group of known or unknown faces....
Various Techniques used for Face Recognition
In this approach, complete face region is taken into account as input data into face catching system. One of the best example of holistic methods are Eigenfaces, PCA, Linear Discriminant Analysis and independent component analysis etc. Let's see the steps of Eigenfaces Method : This approach covers face recognition as a two-dimensional ......
(PDF) Multilinear independent component analysis | Demetri ...
In particular, the linear, After reviewing the mathematical foundations of our appearance-based face recognition method known as Eigen- work in the next section, we introduce our multilinear ICA faces [9] is founded on the principal components analysis algorithm in Section 3 and develop the associated recogni- (PCA) of facial image ensembles [7]....
component analysis, independent component analysis, local feature analysis, and Gabor wavelet representation. The best performances were obtained by using Gabor wavelet representation and independent component analysis with which a 95.5 percent average recognition rate was reported for six single upper face AUs (AU 1, AU 2, AU 4, AU 5, AU 6,...
 Enhancing Performance of Face Recognition System Using ...
facebook uses face recognition system to help automate user tagging in photographs. To design high performance algorithms for automatic face recognition systems is a challenging task in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition for real time applications. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a...
Face Recognition Based on ICA Combined with FLD
Abstract. Recently in face recognition, as opposed to our expectation, the performance of an ICA (Independent Component Analysis) method combined with LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) was reported as lower than an ICA only based method.
 Recognizing Facial Actions by Combining Geometric Features ...
Gabor wavelet representation and independent component analysis. All of these systems [1, 7, 11] used a manual step to align the input images with a standard face image using the center of the eyes and mouth. In our previous system [21], multi-state face and facial component models are proposed for tracking and...
icalab ICA : Independent component analysis, based - CodeBus
icalab ICA : Independent component analysis, based on MATLAB. FastICA_2.4] - based on independent component analysis [independentcomponentanalysis(maltabcode)used] - independent component analysis (maltab c[] - fast algorithm, the test after test, we[Classification-MatLab-Toolbox] - pattern recognition Matlab toolbox, incl[] - ICA achieving Matlab feature extraction...
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The study of face recognition based on hybrid principal components analysis and independent component analysis Yanhong Zhou, Shukai Cao, Dong Wen, Huiyang Zhang and Liqiang Zhao 1 Sep 2011
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