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International Journal of Advance Research in Computer ...
Face Recognition System (FRS) is a computer application, which can detect, verify and recognize the faces. This paper gives the literature survey of the related work. The area is still an active area of research and new algorithms are being published with increased accuracy and reduced recognition time. All FRS algorithms have the same objective of achieving high accuracy in face recognition ......
Ensemble Classification Based on ICA for Face Recognition ...
In this paper we address the problem of face recognition using edge informationas independent components. The edge information is obtained by usingLaplacian of Gaussian (LoG) and Canny edge ...
Face recognition using independent component analysis and ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) (Bell and Sejnowski, 1995) is also a relatively recent technique which has been mainly applied to blind signal separation, though it has been successfully applied to the face recognition problem too. ICA is a feature extraction technique, while SVM are a type of classifiers.
 Independent Component Representations for Face Recognition
Keywords: Independent component analysis, ICA, principal component analysis, PCA, face recognition. 1. INTRODUCTION Several advances in face recognition such as "H~lons,~ " "Eigenfa~es,~ " and "Local Feature Analysis4" have employed forms of principal component analysis, which addresses only second-order moments of the input. Principal component...
ICA Face Recognition Matlab code - YouTube
A number of face recognition algorithms employ principal component analysis (PCA), which is based on the second-order statistics of the image set, and does not address high-order statistical ...
Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis ...
Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis Algorithm Article (PDF Available) in International Journal of Computer Applications 126(3):34-38 · September 2015 with 537 Reads
Independent component analysis - Wikipedia
In signal processing, independent component analysis (ICA) is a computational method for separating a multivariate signal into additive subcomponents. This is done by assuming that the subcomponents are non-Gaussian signals and that they are statistically independent from each other. ICA is a special case of blind source separation.A common example application is the "cocktail party problem ......
Independent component analysis of Gabor features for face ...
Liu and Wechsler [6] used the bank containing 40 GFs comprising of five scales and eight angles for feature extraction from the face images followed by principal component analysis, independent ...
Face recognition using Principal Component Analysis
Facial recognition can be done by various methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), independent component analysis (ICA), a local binary pattern ...
Independent component analysis for face recognition based ...
In this paper a new method has been proposed based on the combination of principal component analysis(PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) for face recognition.
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