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(PDF) Rate Distortion Performance for Joint Source Channel ...
Rate Distortion Performance for Joint Source Channel Coding of JPEG image Over AWGN Channel Article (PDF Available) · January 2011 with 157 Reads How we measure 'reads'
Operational rate-distortion performance for joint source ...
Operational rate-distortion performance for joint source and channel coding of images Abstract: This paper describes a methodology for evaluating the operational rate-distortion behavior of combined source and channel coding schemes with particular application to images....
Joint Source-Channel Coding for JPEG Compressed Images ...
In this paper, we develop an approach toward joint source-channel coding (JSCC) for JPEG compressed image transmission. First, a data partition (DP) technique is employed to divide the JPEG bitstream into three groups, namely, Huffman codes, DC coefficients and AC coefficients. Second, we combine the rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes to protect the coded data according to ......
Robust transform image coder over noisy channel | Request PDF
A combined source-channel coding approach is described for the encoding, transmission, and remote reconstruction of image data. Several two dimensional image source encoding schemes are considered.
the source coding distortion and channel-coding distortion as and , respectively. If we assume that and are uncorrelated (which is usually true, see [9]), we have . The goal of JSCC is to minimize the overall distortion under a given resource (coding bits) constraint, by optimally allocating source coding and channel-coding bits. B. Hash ......
LDPC-based Joint Source Channel Coding and Decoding ...
We define the R s c = l n as the source coding rate, and R c c = l m as the channel coding rate. The overall rate of the system is R = n m. The LDPC-based JSC message-passing decoding is performed on a Tanner graph with the BP algorithm by exchanging extrinsic log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) between the source and the channel LDPC decoders....
Joint source-channel coding of images - File Exchange ...
script_channel_performance - Measures the BER and PER values for RCPC transmission on a given channel RDcurveBytePrec - Runs SPIHT over range of target bitrates and stores the R-D curve The source and some instructions are also on Github (under /JSCCImage):
RATE-BASED VERSUS DISTORTION-BASED OPTIMAL JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING Raouf Hamzaoui, Vladimir Stankovic´ Institut fur¨ Informatik, Universitat¨ Leipzig Augustusplatz 10-11, 04109 Leipzig hamzaoui, Zixiang Xiong Texas A &M University College Station, TX 77843
Rate-distortion performance for joint source and channel ...
Rate-distortion performance for joint source and channel coding of images. In Anon (Ed.), IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Vol. 2, pp. 77-80). IEEE.
 Study on Performance of Joint Source-Channel Coding For ...
without joint source and Code 3 is joint source without channel coding. The parameters of the simulations are given that show in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the BER curves and Figure 4 shows the PSNR of the received image at the receiver side of polar code. Figure 5 shows the original and received images. Table 1. Parameters of block length. Code ......
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