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Viewing 1-3 of 3 total results
Joint source/channel iterative arithmetic decoding with ...
The objective, in this section, is to improve the performance of an image transmission system using JPEG 2000 standard for compression and a Convolutional Code as a channel code. The considered coding scheme uses the JPEG 2000 encoder which compresses the source image at D s bits per pixel (bpp)....
configuration is then derived. After that, a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem is formulated to find the optimal numbe r of JPEG 2000 quality layers for the image and the number of channel coding packets for each JPEG 2000 codeblock that can minimize the reconstructed image distortion for the two users, subject to a rate constraint....
Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image ...
After that, a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem is formulated to find the optimal number of JPEG 2000 quality layers for the image and the number of channel coding packets for each JPEG 2000 codeblock that can minimize the reconstructed image distortion for the two users, subject to a rate constraint....
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