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A New Method Based on MDA to Enhance the Face Recognition ...
A New Method Based on MDA to Enhance the Face Recognition Performance Aref Shams Baboli BSc Student at Department of Electrical and computer Engineering, Noshirvani University of Technology, mazandaran, Iran Seyyedeh Maryam Hosseyni Nia MSc Student at Department of Biomedical
(PDF) A Review Of Face Recognition Methods
LDA have been proposed to enhance its performance and e±ciency. ... tion-based face recognition method that is simple yet achieves good performance ... The new approach to fuzzy-based pixel-wise ...
CNN-Based Multimodal Human Recognition in Surveillance ...
In performance evaluations based on EER, ROC curves and CMC curves, it was confirmed that the proposed method (the EERs of 1.52% for DFB-DB1 and 0.58% for the ChokePoint dataset, and the GARs of rank1 of about 99.3% for DFB-DB1 and 99.95% for the ChokePoint dataset) is superior in comparison to face or body single modality-based recognition and ......
Spoof Detection for Finger-Vein Recognition System Using ...
Therefore, the detection performance was limited. Recently, the deep learning framework has been successfully applied in computer vision and delivered superior results compared to traditional handcrafted methods on various computer vision applications such as image-based face recognition, gender recognition and image classification....
Enhanced Human Face Recognition Using LBPH Descriptor ...
Abstract: Face recognition has become a fascinating field for researchers. The motivation behind the enormous interest in the topic is the need to improve the accuracy of many real-time applications. The complexity of the human face and the changes due to different effects make it more challenging to design as well as implement a powerful computational system for human face recognition....
Biometrics in 2020 (A helpful illustrated overview)
Live face recognition - the ability to perform face identification in a crowd in real-time or post-event - is also gaining interest for public security - in cities, airports, at borders, or other sensitives such as stadiums or places of worship. These surveillance systems are being tested or used in many countries.
Example: Identify faces in images - Face - Azure Cognitive ...
Create a new C# application. Create a new .NET Core application in your preferred editor or IDE. In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the dotnet new command to create a new console app with the name face-identify. This command creates a simple "Hello World" C# project with a single source file: Program.cs....
A new deep learning model for EEG-based emotion recognition
Most EEG-based emotion classification methods introduced over the past decade or so employ traditional machine learning (ML) techniques such as support vector machine (SVM) models, as these models require fewer training samples and there is still a lack of large-scale EEG datasets. Recently, however, researchers have compiled and released several new datasets containing EEG brain recordings.
 Face Recognition Performance: Role of Demographic Information
degrade face recognition performance (e.g., PIE, image qual-ity, aging). In order to maximize the potential benefit of face recognition in forensics and law enforcement applications, we need to improve the ability of face recognition to sort through facial images more accurately and in a manner that will allow...
Recognition Memory - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Recognition Memory. Recognition memory is a major component of declarative memory, which also plays a large role in the rich cognitive lives of humans and allows the ability to realize that you have encountered with clarity (i.e., recollection), or a sense of familiarity, the events, objects, or people you have previously encountered.
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