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15 Efficient Face Recognition Algorithms And Techniques ...
A reliable methodology is based on the eigen-face technique and the genetic algorithm. Rather than just simply telling you about the basic techniques, we would like to introduce some efficient face recognition algorithms (open source) from latest researches and projects. 15. FaceMatch. This is a wrapper for the Facebook face recognition feature ......
Face Recognition: Understanding LBPH Algorithm - Towards ...
In computer science, face recognition is basically the task of recognizing a person based on its facial image. It has become very popular in the last two decades, mainly because of the new methods developed and the high quality of the current videos/cameras. Note that face recognition is different of face detection:...
MPCA MDA: A novel approach for face recognition based on ...
The UMLDA-based recognition algorithm is then empirically shown on face and gait recognition tasks to outperform four multilinear subspace solutions (MPCA, DATER, GTDA, TR1DA) and four linear ...
Very Low Resolution Face Recognition Problem - IEEE ...
Existing face recognition algorithms are not able to give satisfactory performance on the VLR face image. While face super-resolution (SR) methods can be employed to enhance the resolution of the images, the existing learning-based face SR methods do not perform well on such a VLR face image....
Face Recognition Grand Challenge - Wikipedia
Three-dimensional (3D) face recognition algorithms identify faces from the 3D shape of a person's face. In current face recognition systems, changes in lighting (illumination) and pose of the face reduce performance. Because the shape of faces is not affected by changes in lighting or pose, 3D face recognition has the potential to improve ......
The Face Recognition Algorithm That Finally Outperforms Humans
The new algorithm works by normalising each face into a 150 x 120 pixel image, by transforming it based on five image landmarks: the position of both eyes, the nose and the two corners of the mouth.
 DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in ...
Existing aligned versions of several face databases (e.g. LFW-a [29]) help to improve recognition algorithms by pro-viding a normalized input [26]. However, aligning faces in the unconstrained scenario is still considered a difficult problem that has to account for many factors such as pose (due to the non-planarity of the face) and non-rigid ...