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Viewing 41-49 of 49 total results
 Facial Expression Recognition using Efficient LBP and CNN
al.[8] proposed facial expression recognition method using Hidden Markov Model. The relative displacement of the feature points between the current frame and the neutral frame are extracted as the facial features. Classification entropy threshold and model parameters are found out using iterative algorithm during training process....
 One to Many Face Recognition with Bilinear CNNS
Abstract— as in safety critical applicatIn programmed face recognition we longing to ... fiducial facial points on raw video using a particle filter. On the other hand, appearance-based approaches emphasize ... of facial region) using a triple HMM, i.e., one HMM for each of the information modes. This model was proposed to deal...
Digital Photogrammetry for Facial Recognition | Journal of ...
The facial data of a set of 20 people were acquired with the photogrammetric system developed by the authors, and different CAD 3D models were reconstructed for each person. The results are quantified by aligning the models and calculating mean distances and standard deviations between them using two different methods.
Recognizing Expression Variant and Occluded Face Images ...
The face recognition with expression and occlusion variation becomes the greatest challenge in biometric applications to recognize people. The proposed work concentrates on recognizing occlusion and seven kinds of expression variations such as neutral, surprise, happy, sad, fear, disgust and angry. During enrollment process, principle component analysis (PCA) detects facial regions on the ...
- Advanced Source Code . Com - Face Identification System
HMM Face Recognition. NMF Face Recognition. Voice Control System. Fire Alarm System. ... Face recognition systems essentially operate by comparing some type of model image of a person's face (or representation thereof) to an image or representation of the person's face extracted from an input image. ... In particular, security systems use face ......
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A connectionist computational method for face recognition ...
<section class="abstract"><h2 class="abstractTitle text-title my-1" id="d1951e2">Abstract</h2><p> In this work, a modified version of the elastic bunch graph matching ...
Expression Recognition Using Elastic Graph Matching ...
In order to effectively represent the facial expression information, we choose the fiducial points from the local areas where the distortion caused by expression is obvious. The better performance of the proposed method is confirmed by the JAFFE facial expression database, compared to the some previous works.
 Face Recognition for the Visually Impaired
facial features, such as the eyes, mouth, nose, etc., as well as other fiducial marks and then compute the geometric relationships among those facial points, thus, reducing the input facial image to a vector of geometric features. Standard statistical pattern recognition techniques are then employed for matching faces using these measurements. 2)...
 3D Facial Action Units Recognition for Emotional Expression
referring to a face model used in [9], an increased in vector of BAD and B1A1D1 indicates the activation of AU1. A total of 27 AUs was successfully detected with average recognition rate of 86.6% using 24 rules developed for profile-view face of face image sequences [10]. AU recognition rules was developed based on 15...
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