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 Simple denoising algorithm using wavelet transform
the wavelet transform (DWT) which involves transforming a given signal with orthogonal wavelet basis functions by dilating and translating in discrete steps (Daubechies, 1990; Holschneider, 1995). For study purposes we corrupt one variable x(t) for each of these systems with noise of zero mean, and then apply our algorithm for denoising.
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Zero crossings of a non-orthogonal wavelet transform for ...
A method of extraction of features based on the zero-crossings of a wavelet transform is described. The wavelet transform basis functions are derived from the second derivative of a Gaussian function. The extracted features are then used in a multilevel hypothesis generate and test algorithm to locate the objects of interest....
End-To-End Image Compression using Embedded Zero-Trees of ...
In 1993, J.M Shapiro introduced the Zero-Tree data structure as a way to create embedded image compressions. What this means is that at any point in the encoding or decoding process, we can ...