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Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis ...
Principal Component Analysis is used for the Face Recognition System [13]. This research used a version of PCA for facial images in FERET database where input picture is treated as random ...
Various Techniques used for Face Recognition
In this approach, complete face region is taken into account as input data into face catching system. One of the best example of holistic methods are Eigenfaces, PCA, Linear Discriminant Analysis and independent component analysis etc. Let's see the steps of Eigenfaces Method : This approach covers face recognition as a two-dimensional ......
 Facial Expressions Recognition Based On Dimensionality ...
face recognition system. The average recognition rate is known as the average percentage number of images belonging to the same face image as the query face image in the top ‘N’ matches. ‘N’ indicates the number of recognized images. A. Principal component analysis (P CA) Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a statistical...