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Approaches on Internet of Things Solutions - Wikisource ...
Figure 1. Internet of Things components. A Smart Object contains IoT data and information, also metadata and software agent code resources, such as application software event handler. Samples of Smart Objects are embedded devices such as Rasberry Pi, Arduino, BeagleBone/Ninja Blocks. The data model for broad interoperability is represented by the Smart Object API.
 Smart Cards Applications in the Healthcare System
Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, vol. III, no. 2, 2011 ISSN 2067 – 4074 63 reader. The computer runs a software application with which the doctor saves patient information in to the smartcard. Reading or writing the smartcard is made securely, because each time for accessing
 Approaches on Internet of Things Solutions
Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, vol. V, no. 3, 2013 ISSN 2067 – 4074 125 Figure 1. Internet of Things components A Smart Object contains IoT data and information, also metadata and software agent code resources, such as application software event handler. Samples of Smart Objects are
Page:Approaches on Internet of Things Solutions.pdf/2 ...
Figure 1. Internet of Things components. A Smart Object contains IoT data and information, also metadata and software agent code resources, such as application software event handler. Samples of Smart Objects are embedded devices such as Rasberry Pi, Arduino, BeagleBone/Ninja Blocks. The data model for broad interoperability is represented by the Smart Object API.