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Viewing 1-4 of 4 total results
A formal role-based access control model for security ...
The presented security policy model supports the specification of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policies with role hierarchy, object type hierarchy and role mapping in a multi-domain setting. We define a formal model for network state related to locations and provide the mapping of actions to the formal model....
An analysis of graphs that represent a role-based ...
Abstract. The present work considers structural modification of the role hierarchy in a formal model of the role-based access control. The marked directed graph (the role graph), graphically representing an ordered set of roles, was analyzed to define the ordering relation in the role set and to distribute permissions according to the generated hierarchy....
Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and ...
The latest role-based access control (RBAC) standard is also highlighted. This unique technical reference is designed for security software developers and other security professionals as a resource for setting scopes of implementations with respect to the formal models of access control systems....
Designing role‐based access control using formal concept ...
The main purpose of the access control policies is to ensure that only authorized users (subjects) can access the information resources (objects) with their allowed access permissions. Rolebased access control (RBAC) is one of the best access control models that supports function‐based access control....