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Viewing 31-40 of 49 total results
 3D Facial Expression Analysis – A Review
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 7, July-2016 ISSN 2229-5518 3D Facial Expression Analysis – A Review Mrs. Sushama V. Telrandhe, Dr. Prema Daigavane Abstract— Automatic facial expression recognition (FER) is a sub-area of face analysis research that is based heavily on methods of computer vision, machine learning, and...
 Expression-invariant Facial Identification
Facial recognition has received substantial attention in the ... tackle the ‘one sample problem’ and the expression-invariant ... for converting a smiling face to a neutral face by using a triangular mesh model (CANDIDE) for generic human face and Active Appearance Models (AAMs) to find the optimal ......
new system for profile-based face recognition. There scenario involved a driver entering a gated area and using his/her side-view image (the driver remains seated in the vehicle) as identification. The system have two modes: enrollment and identification. In the enrollment mode, 3D face models of subjects were acquired and...
 Partial Face Recognition: Alignment-Free Approach
facial area underexposure or overexposure Image Fig. 2. Proposed partial face recognition approach. alignment. Therefore, research in PFR is important to advance the state of the art in face recognition and enlarge the application domain. Law enforcement agencies are also in urgent need of a system capable of recognizing partial faces. First,...
Robust Facial Expression Recognition via Compressive Sensing
For sequence-based expression recognition, the widely used techniques are hidden Markov models (HMM) , dynamic Bayesian networks , SVM . Among the above mentioned three steps, facial expression recognition is the most critical aspect for any successful facial expression recognition system....
Age estimation via face images: a survey | SpringerLink
Facial aging adversely impacts performance of face recognition and face verification and authentication using facial features. This stochastic personalized inevitable process poses dynamic theoretical and practical challenge to the computer vision and pattern recognition community. Age estimation is labeling a face image with exact real age or age group....
Facial expression recognition and histograms of oriented ...
Da B, Sang N. Local binary pattern based face recognition by estimation of facial distinctive information distribution. Opt Eng. 2009; 48 (11):117203–1172037. doi: 10.1117/1.3258349. Déniz O, Bueno G, Salido J, De la Torre F. Face recognition using histograms of oriented gradients. Pattern Recognit Lett....
Automatic AU intensity detection/estimation for Facial ...
However this only captures the temporal dynamics to a limited degree. This issue can be solved using HMM with state duration model. Cohen [33, 34] exploits existing methods and proposes a new architecture of Hidden Markov Models (HMM), in which segmentation and recognition of facial expression are done automatically....
PNAS Plus: Compound facial expressions of emotion
The problem with previous fiducial detection algorithms is that they assume the landmark points are visually salient. Many face areas are, however, homogeneous and provide only limited information about the shape of the face and the location of each fiducial. One solution to this problem is to add additional constraints . A logical constraint ......
Xiang Yu - Senior Researcher - NEC Laboratories America ...
San Francisco Bay Area 500 ... (HMM) to smooth the recognition results. Show more Show ... We firstly propose a holistic regression model to initialize the face fiducial points under different ...
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