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(PDF) Diversity based text summarization
In paper, we propose a method called maximal marginal importance (MMI) for text summarization based on the idea of the well-known diversity approach maximal marginal relevance (MMR) where an ...
Summarization: (1) Using MMR for Diversity- Based ...
Jade Goldstein, Jaime Carbonell. TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE III: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Baltimore, Maryland, October 13-15, 1998. 1998.
 The Use of MMR, Diversity-Based Reranking for Reordering ...
diversity search and relevance-only search. 4 Summarization If we consider document summarization by relevant- passage extraction, we must again consider relevance as well as anti-redundancy. Summaries need to avoid redundancy, as it defeats the purpose of summarization.
The use of MMR, diversity-based reranking for reordering ...
Automated query-relevant summarization and diversity-based reranking. In 15th International Joint ConJerence on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop: AI in Digital Libraries, pages 9- 14, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
appropriate passages for text summarization. Preliminary results indicate some benefits for MMR diversity ranking in ad-hoc query and in single document summarization. The latter are borne out by the trial-run (unofficial) TREC-style evaluation of summarization systems. However, the clearest advantage is
text of retriev al and summarization. The Maxi-mal Marginal Relev ance (MMR) criterion striv es to re-duce redundancy while main taining query relev ance in re-ranking retriev ed do cumen ts and in selecting appro-priate passages for text summarization. Preliminary re-sults indicate some b ene ts for MMR div ersit y ranking in do cumen t ...