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Viewing 11-20 of 50 total results
KnightShift: Scaling the Energy Proportionality Wall ...
Abstract: Server energy proportionality has been improving over the past several years. Many components in a system, such as CPU, memory and disk, have been achieving good energy proportionality behavior. Using a wide range of server power data from the published SPEC power data we show that the overall system energy proportionality has reached 80%....
 Proteus: Power Proportional Memory Cache Cluster in Data ...
energy issue in cache clusters is surprisingly ignored. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that achieves power proportionality in memory cache clusters without sacrificing performance. The memory cache cluster usually sits in front of the database or distributed file system tier to offer fast in-
 Sierra: Practical Power-proportionality for Data Center ...
Keywords Data center, energy, power-proportionality 1. Introduction Server power consumption is a major problem for small and large data centers, since it adds substantially to an or-ganization’s power bills and carbon footprint. Barroso and Holzle have argued for¨ power proportionality: the power used should be proportional to the dynamic ...
The effect of server energy proportionality on data center ...
We develop a theoretical framework to characterize and predict the relationship between server energy proportionality and power oversubscription. We verify our framework through an extensive empirical study using publicly available SPECpower benchmark data for over 500 server models and publicly available Google cluster utilization data.
 Implications of High Energy Proportional Servers on ...
the cluster-wide energy proportionality curve would resem-ble steps as shown in figure 3. In these illustrative figures, the x-axis is the cluster-level utilization and the y-axis is the cluster-wide power consumption. Figure 3a shows the best-case cluster-wide energy proportionality with a cluster consisting of 10 servers....
 Towards Energy-Proportional Computing for Enterprise-Class ...
ity of the servers to exhibit energy proportionality, i.e., pro-vide energy-e cient execution under all levels of utilization, which diminishes the overall energy e ciency of the data center. It is imperative that we realize e ective strategies to control the power consumption of the server and improve the energy e ciency of data centers....
KnightShift: Achieving Energy Proportionality Through ...
In particular, the energy proportionality of even a highly proportional server suffers significantly at non-zero but low utilizations. In the second part of this talk we tackle the lack of energy proportionality at low utilization by using server-level heterogeneity to provide an active low power mode.
 WattDB—a Rocky Road to Energy Proportionality
Current hardware is not energy proportional, because a single server consumes, even when idle, a substantial frac-tion of its peak power [1]. Because typical usage patterns lead to a server utilization far less than its maximum, en-ergy e ciency of a server aside from peak performance is reduced [4]. In order to achieve energy proportionality ......
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 On the Energy Proportionality of Distributed NoSQL Data Stores
formance of a Cassandra cluster. We then use power and resource provi-sioning techniques to improve the energy proportionality of the cluster and study the feasibility of achieving an energy-proportional data store. Our results show that a hybrid (i.e., power and resource) provisioning technique provides the best power savings | as much as 55%....
Achieving Power-Efficiency in Clusters without Distributed ...
Abstract. Power-efficient operation is a desirable property, particularly for large clusters housed in datacenters. Recent work has advocated turning off entire nodes to achieve power-proportionality, but this leads to problems with availability and fault tolerance because of the resulting limits imposed on the replication strategies used by the distributed file systems (DFS) employed in these ...
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