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The effect of server energy proportionality on data center ...
A metric that captures both energy proportionality as well as linearity into a single value is the EP metric given as EP = 1 − Actual power curve area − Ideal power curve area Ideal power curve area where “Ideal power curve area” refers to the area under the power-utilization curve for an ideal energy proportional server. EP ranges from 0 to 2 with higher value meaning greater energy ......
 The E ect of Server Energy Proportionality on Data Center ...
2.3. Server energy proportionality and metrics Energy proportional servers consume power proportional to their utilization. Power consumption of a server at di er-ent utilization levels can be represented as a power-utilization curve. An ideal energy proportional server will have a power-utilization curve as a straight line joining zero to peak ......
 Choosing the Best Server for a Data Center: The Importance ...
quantify energy proportionality. An ideal energy proportional server would consume power in proportion to its utilization, that is, P(u) curve would be linear with P(0) = 0 (no power consumption when idle). Such a server will have constant energy efficiency throughout the utilization range. Energy proportionality has historically been measured ......