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 Detecting and localizing multiple spoofing attackers in ...
Keywords—Wireless network security, spoofing attack, attack detection, localization I. INTRODUCTION Due to the openness of wireless transmission medium, attackers can monitor any transmission. Further, these attackers can easily purchase low-cost wireless devices and use these commonly available platforms to launch a...
 Spoofing Attacks Detection and Localizing Multiple ...
techniques in wireless sensor network Keywords:-Wireless network security, Spoofing Attack, Attack Detection, Localization. 1. Introduction Wireless networks provide an inexpensive and easy way to share a single Internet Therefore it is important to connection among several computers. spoofing attacks. 2....
DETECTING, DETERMINING AND LOCALIZING MULTIPLE ATTACKS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK - MALICIOUS NODE DETECTION AND FAULT NODE RECOVERY SYSTEM Rajalakshmi1, Umamaheswari2 and A.Vijayaraj 3 1Department of Computer Applications, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, India
Localizing Multiple Adversaries in Wireless Spoofing Attacks
We further developed an integrated detection and localization system that can localize the positions of multiple attackers. We evaluated our techniques through two testbeds using both an 802.11 (WiFi) network and an 802.15.4 (ZigBee) network in two real office buildings.
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