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Action recognition based on overcomplete independent ...
Motivated by two observations: (1) independent component analysis (ICA) is capable of encoding intrinsic features underlying video data; and (2) videos of different actions can be easily distinguished by their intrinsic features, we propose a simple but effective action recognition framework based on the recently proposed overcomplete ICA model.
 Recognizing Facial Actions by Combining Geometric Features ...
Gabor wavelet representation and independent component analysis. All of these systems [1, 7, 11] used a manual step to align the input images with a standard face image using the center of the eyes and mouth. In our previous system [21], multi-state face and facial component models are proposed for tracking and...
Action recognition based on overcomplete independent ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) , , a specific case of sparse coding when constraining the number of basis functions to equal the feature dimension, also shows similar response properties with simple cells in visual cortex and achieves success in face recognition and action recognition .
 Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
optical flow, principal component analysis, independent component analysis, local feature analysis, and Gabor wavelet representation. Best performances were obtained by Gabor wavelet representation and independent component analysis which achieved a 95% average recognition rate for 6 upper face AUs and 6 lower face AUs....
 Action recognition based on overcomplete independent ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) [5,19], a specific case of sparse coding when constraining the number of basis functions to equal the feature dimension, also shows similar response properties with simple cells in visual cortex and achieves success in face recognition [2] and action recognition [29].