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Face Recognition by Independent Component | Request PDF
Face Recognition by Independent Component. ... components of natural scenes are localized and oriented edge lters similar to Gabor lters. ... and independent component analysis (ICA) for face ...
Face recognition using independent component analysis and ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) (Bell and Sejnowski, 1995) is also a relatively recent technique which has been mainly applied to blind signal separation, though it has been successfully applied to the face recognition problem too. ICA is a feature extraction technique, while SVM are a type of classifiers.
Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and ...
Déniz⋆⋆ O., Castrillón M., Hernández M. (2001) Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines ⋆. In: Bigun J., Smeraldi F. (eds) Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication. AVBPA 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2091.
Face recognition: A literature survey: ACM Computing ...
Discriminant analysis of principal components for face recognition. In Proceedings, International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. 336--341.]] Google Scholar Digital Library; Zhao, W., Chellappa, R., and Phillips, P. J. 1999. Subspace linear discriminant analysis for face recognition....
Evaluation of the independent component analysis algorithm ...
Keywords: Face recognition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Yale face database. 1. INTRODUCTION Face Recognition is the process of identifying or recognizing a particular familiar face from a group of known or unknown faces....
[10] Sequential row–column independent component analysis for face recognitionNeurocomputing,by (Quanxue Gao, Lei Zhang, David Zhang) [11] C. Liu, H. Wechsler, Comparative Assessment of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for Face Recognition, Proc. of the Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person ......
 ISSN : 2454-9150 SVM and ANN-based Comparison of Face ...
Abstract— Face recognition is a very important component of human intelligence. For individual identity faces are rich in information. Since last few years, face recognition have been most important and successful applications of machine learning and computer security. The major method for face recognition consists of two steps....
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component analysis, independent component analysis, local feature analysis, and Gabor wavelet representation. The best performances were obtained by using Gabor wavelet representation and independent component analysis with which a 95.5 percent average recognition rate was reported for six single upper face AUs (AU 1, AU 2, AU 4, AU 5, AU 6,...
RFID and Face Recognition Based Security and Access ...
The researcher expect to increase strength of security by 50%. Face recognition under constrained condition and RFID are contactless processes. The approach presented in this paper for face recognition uses DWT and Euclidean distance method. Face recognition is a very important component in many applications like search engine and emotion detector....
 Face Modeling by Information Maximization
[42] C. Liu and H. Wechsler. Comparative assessment of independent component analysis (ica) for face recognition. In International conference on audio and video based biometric person authentication, 1999. [43] Q. Liu, J. Cheng, H. Lu, and S. Ma. Modeling face appearance with nonlinear independent component analysis....
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