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Viewing 1-10 of 47 total results
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
Arora et al. [1] presented a method of Recognition of noncompound handwritten Devanagari characters using a combination of MLP and minimum edit distance. In this work, the overall global ......
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
This paper deals with a new method for recognition of offline Handwritten non-compound Devnagari Characters in two stages. It uses two well known and established pattern recognition techniques: one using neural networks and the other one using minimum edit distance. Each of these techniques is applied on different sets of characters for recognition. In the first stage, two sets of features are ......
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Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
BibTeX @INPROCEEDINGS{Arora_recognitionof, author = {Sandhya Arora and Debotosh Bhattacharjee and Mita Nasipuri and D. K. Basu and M. Kundu}, title = {Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of}, booktitle = {MLP and Minimum Edit Distance”, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS),Volume (4) : Issue-1}, year = {}, pages = {107--120}}...
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
Abstract. This paper deals with a new method for recognition of offline Handwritten non-compound Devnagari Characters in two stages. It uses two well known and established pattern recognition techniques: one using neural networks and the other one using minimum edit distance....
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(PDF) Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of MLP and Minimum Edit Distance
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari ...
Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of MLP and Minimum Edit Distance . ... two sets of featuresare computed and two classifiers are applied to get higher recognition accuracy.Two MLP’s are used separately to recognize the characters. For one of theMLP’s the characters are represented with their ......
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Handwritten devnagari character recognition using ...
Handwritten devnagari character recognition using connected segments and minimum edit distance Conference Paper · October 2007 with 34 Reads How we measure 'reads'
A Survey on Devanagari Character Recognition | SpringerLink
Pal, U., Wakabayashi, T., Kimura, F.: Comparative study of Devnagari handwritten character recognition using different feature and classifiers. In: 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (2009) Google Scholar
Efficient Recognition of Devanagari Handwritten Text ...
Handwritten characters are of unique style for individual persons. The process of recognition involves the preprocessing and segmentation of input document image containing Devanagari characters. It is proposed to use Kohonen Neural Network to interpret Devanagari Characters from the segmented images....
 Recognition of Handwritten Devnagari Characters through ...
M Kundu, ‖Recognition of Non-Compound Handwritten Devnagari Characters using a Combination of MLP and Minimum Edit Distance‖ [3] Sandhya Arora, Debotosh Bhatcharjee, Mita Nasipuri, Latesh Malik, ―A Two Stage Classification Approach for Handwritten Devanagari Characters‖ International Conference on
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