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Viewing 1-4 of 4 total results
Achieving Energy Proportionality In Server Clusters
a great amount of interests in the past few years. Energy proportionality is a principal to ensure that energy consumption is proportional to the system workload. Energy proportional design can effectively improve energy efficiency of computing systems. In this paper, an energy proportional model is proposed based on queuing theory and service differentiation in server clusters, which can ......
Achieving Energy Proportionality In Server Clusters - CORE
Achieving Energy Proportionality In Server Clusters . ... Energy proportional design can effectively improve energy efficiency of computing systems. In this paper, an energy proportional model is proposed based on queuing theory and service differentiation in server clusters, which can provide controllable and predictable quantitative control ......
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Managing server clusters on intermittent power [PeerJ]
First, several studies have shown that turning a server off when not in use is the most effective method for saving energy in server clusters (Chase et al., 2001; Pinheiro et al., 2001). Second, blinking extends the PowerNap ( Meisner, Gold & Wenisch, 2009 ) concept, which advocates frequent transitions to a low-power sleep state, as an ...
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 Measuring Server Energy Proportionality
achieving the greatest energy proportionality at cluster level. Since none of existing linearity metrics provides this kind of insight, the paper calls for the development of a good lin-earity metric in the context of energy proportionality. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides information on how trends in server ......