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Implications of high energy proportional servers on ...
Cluster-level packing techniques have long been used to improve the energy proportionality of server clusters by masking the poor energy proportionality of individual servers. ... Achieving energy ...
 Implications of High Energy Proportional Servers on ...
the cluster-wide energy proportionality curve would resem-ble steps as shown in figure 3. In these illustrative figures, the x-axis is the cluster-level utilization and the y-axis is the cluster-wide power consumption. Figure 3a shows the best-case cluster-wide energy proportionality with a cluster consisting of 10 servers....
Measuring Server Energy Proportionality | Proceedings of ...
D. Wong and M. Annavaram. Scaling the energy proportionality wall with KnightShift. IEEE Micro, 33(3):28--37, May/June 2013. Google Scholar Digital Library; D. Wong and M. Annavaram. Implications of high energy proportional servers on cluster-wide energy proportionality. In International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Feb ......
costs running into millions of dollars, energy is an even more important criterion in datacenters. To increase computer system energy efficiency, we need memory systems that keep pace with processor efficiency gains. Currently, servers use DDR3 memory, which is designed for high bandwidth but not for energy proportionality. A system using 20%
 Peak Efficiency Aware Scheduling for Highly Energy ...
Cluster-wide EP reflects underlying server’s EP •If server’s EP is poor, then cluster’s EP is poor Packing Scheduling •Have exact number of servers for load •Cluster’s EP is ideal 7 [2] D. Wong and M. Annavaram. "Implications of high energy proportional servers on cluster-wide energy proportionality“ HPCA 2014....