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Viewing 1-4 of 4 total results
Achieving Power-Efficiency in Clusters without Distributed ...
Abstract. Power-efficient operation is a desirable property, particularly for large clusters housed in datacenters. Recent work has advocated turning off entire nodes to achieve power-proportionality, but this leads to problems with availability and fault tolerance because of the resulting limits imposed on the replication strategies used by the distributed file systems (DFS) employed in these ...
 Energy and Performance—Can a Wimpy-Node Cluster Challenge ...
cluster of nodes may adjust the number of active (power-consuming) nodes to the current demand and, thus, approx-imate energy proportionality. Based on these observations, we developed WattDB, a re-search prototype of a distributed DBMS cluster, running on lightweight, Amdahl-balanced nodes using commodity hard-ware.
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Measuring Energy Consumption of a Database Cluster
To avoid the limitations of a single large server in achieving energy proportionality, we are going to propose a new approach by employing commodity hardware to form an energy-proportional computing cluster. Small-scale server nodes (aka. wimpy nodes [AFK+09]) can be independently turned on and off, thus providing better scalability in terms of ......
[1501.02724] Towards Energy-Proportional Computing Using ...
Abstract: Massive data centers housing thousands of computing nodes have become commonplace in enterprise computing, and the power consumption of such data centers is growing at an unprecedented rate. Adding to the problem is the inability of the servers to exhibit energy proportionality, i.e., provide energy-efficient execution under all levels of utilization, which diminishes the overall ...
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