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Distributed File Systems
Distributed File Systems ... While this model reduces network traffic it has to deal with the cache coherency problem during writes, because the local cached copy of the data needs to be updated, the original file at the server node needs to be updated and copies in any other caches need to be updated.
Model Checking Cache Coherence Protocols for Distributed ...
Because software systems are not, in general, finite state machines, model checking seems to be inadequate at first glance. However, we can overcome this problem by abstracting the system and checking a finite model of it. We use this method to check cache coherence protocols for distributed systems.
 Model Checking Cache Coherence Protocols for Distributed ...
2. Cache Coherence Protocols for Distributed Systems When connectivity and bandwidth are low in a distributed system, caching of data by clients plays an important role. Caching is also helpful when temporary failures occur. A problem arises when there are several copies of a file in a system. If a client updates its own copy then all other copies...
 Design and Evaluation of Cache Coherence in Distributed ...
other distributed systems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Next section presents two cache schemes, private cache and shared cache, in a distributed STICS system, as well as the cache coherence protocol for private cache scheme. Section 3 is modeling and performance evaluation of the two proposed cache schemes....