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(PDF) A novel Image Retrieval System using an effective ...
A novel Image Retrieval System using an effective region based shape representation technique Article (PDF Available) · January 2010 with 62 Reads How we measure 'reads'
(PDF) Content Based Image Retrieval Scheme using Color ...
A novel approach of Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR), which combines color, texture and shape descriptors to represent the features of the image, is discussed in this paper.
 Which Is Plagiarism: Fashion Image Retrieval Based on ...
• We introduce a novel problem of plagiarized clothes retrieval and a new dataset named “Plagiarized Fash-ion” for plagiarized clothes retrieval, which provides a meaningful complement to the fashion retrieval field. • A multi-task network named PS-Net based on the re-gional representation is proposed, which is superi-...
An effective image retrieval based on optimized genetic ...
The shape is an important attribute for identifying and recognizing objects. This feature can be extracted by using two techniques namely, (1) contour based technique—which calculates are the shape from image boundary, (2) region based technique—extracts the whole region of the image....
A novel image representation and learning method using SVM ...
Support vector machines (SVM) is gaining a considerable attention as an approach to improvement performance of the content-based image retrieval (CBIR). Most SVM for CBIR rely on global feature, which length of the feature representation is fixed. However, region-based image retrieval (RBIR) use variable length representation, and common kernel utilize the inner product or l<sub>p&lt ......
A region-based shape descriptor using Zernike moments ...
In order to retrieve an image from a large image database, the descriptor should be invariant to scale and rotation. It must also have enough discriminating power and immunity to noise for retrieval from a large image database. The Zernike moment descriptor has many desirable properties such as rotation invariance, robustness to noise, expression efficiency, fast computation and multi-level ......
Intelligent Content Based Image Retrieval System
performance of CBIR System, region level image representation is more close to human perception system. Hence region based image retrieval is in use for better results. Gerald ,[3]In this paper, discussion is over color features for image retrieval with usage of compression techniques...
A Novel Image Retrieval Technique based on Vector Quantization
Most current content-based image retrieval techniques make use of features such as colour histogram, object shape and texture [1-5]. These techniques have the following problems. Firstly, the colour based retrieval technique considers the colour distribution of pixels and ignores spatial relationships among pixels....