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Viewing 41-45 of 45 total results
Biometric Authentication: Literature Review
In 1991, Turk, Matthew, and Alex presented a Face recognition using Eigen-faces Where a framework of the detection and the identification of human faces is proposed. In this work, the system was able to recognize faces automatically without any guidance. < Turk, Matthew A., and Alex P. Pentland. “Face recognition using eigenfaces.”...
A Survey on Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Sketch, Infra ...
09/17/14 - Heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) refers to matching face imagery across different domains. It has received much interest from ...
Automatic Facial Feature Extraction and Expression ...
Facial Expression Recognition System. Fig. 2 Pseudo code for AFERS A. Face Portion Localization and Feature Extraction Face area and facial feature plays an important role in facial expression recognition. Better the feature extraction rate more is the accuracy of facial expression recognition. Precise...
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 Face Recognition for the Visually Impaired
facial features, such as the eyes, mouth, nose, etc., as well as other fiducial marks and then compute the geometric relationships among those facial points, thus, reducing the input facial image to a vector of geometric features. Standard statistical pattern recognition techniques are then employed for matching faces using these measurements. 2)...
Geometric Feature-Based Facial Expression Recognition in ...
These features are then used to train the GentleBoost classifiers, and build a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), in order to model the full temporal dynamic of the expressions. Rudovic and Pantic [ 27 ] introduce a method for head-pose invariant facial expression recognition that is based on a set of characteristic facial points, extracted using AAMs....
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