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 Extracting Topographic Terrain Features from Elevation Maps
I74 KWEON A ND KANADE Meters (x S) FIG. 5. Result of constructing a contour map from an elevation map: (a) a DEM; (b) extracted contour map. where H, is an elevation at each grid point ij of the eleva- tion map; 2. Extract the connected components by using blob- coloring algorithm; 3. Compute the contour lines by fitting polygons to the...
What is Contouring? Methods, Maps and Uses of Contours in ...
11. If contour lines are meeting in some portion, it shows existence of a vertical cliff (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. 12. If contour lines cross each other, it shows existence of overhanging cliffs or a cave (Fig. 5). Fig. 5. Uses of Contour Maps. Contour maps are extremely useful for various engineering works:...