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A Multi-Operator Based Simulated Annealing Approach for ...
Optimization methods such as simulated annealing (SA) and genetic algorithm (GA) are used for solving optimization problems. However, the computational processing time is crucial for the real-time applications such as mobile robots. A multi-operator based SA approach incorporating with additional four mathematical operators that can find the optimal path for robots in dynamic environments is ......
Cognition ” and path planning Localization and map ...
Mobile robots are increasingly used in automated industrial environments. There are also other applications like planet exploration, surveillance, landmine detection, etc. In all these applications, in order that the mobile robots perform their tasks, collision-free path planning is a prerequisite. This article provides an overview of the research progress in path planning of a mobile robot ......
A fuzzy multi-stage path-planning method for a robot in a ...
Miao, H. and Tian, Y. C., “ Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments Using a Simulated Annealing Based Approach,” IEEE 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Hanoi (Dec. 17–20, 2008) pp. 1253 – 1258.
A fuzzy multi-stage path-planning method for a robot in a ...
Hui Miao A Multi-Operator Based Simulated Annealing Approach For Robot Navigation in Uncertain Environments. ... publishedclassic SA approach and the GA approach. The multi-operator based SA (MSA ...
Fuzzy logic control in support of autonomous navigation of ...
The most common of these in the field of robot path planning is simulated annealing. Simulated annealing is a method for approximating the global minimum of a generated path geometry function over a large search space possessing non-linearity and discontinuity ( Martínez-Alfaro and Gómez-García 1998 ).
Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Algorithm ...
Introduction. Path planning is a key issue in the field of mobile robot research. Its main purpose is to find an optimal or suboptimal, safe and collision-free path from the starting point to the target point in the environment with obstacle (Cheng et al., 2010; Deepak et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2013).According to the degree of intelligence in the process of path planning, mobile robot path ...
A cubic spline method combing improved particle swarm ...
In the early stages of that research, some traditional and classical methods were used in robot path planning, for example, simulated annealing algorithm, artificial potential field (APF) method, fuzzy logic algorithm, tabu search algorithm, and the A* method. 8,9,10,11,12 Another kind of method usually used is a graphical method, for example ...
A new optimization-driven path planning method with ...
An important technique for the exploration of extraterrestrial planets during recent years is path planning. 1 However, there hardly exists a single path planning approach that can achieve all the exploration objectives or fulfill all the actual constraints. The main reason is that the tasks are performed in uncertain and complex environments and affected by additional hazards, such as ...
 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Decision ...
implementing the simulated annealing algorithm for robot path planning. Evolved from improved A* shortest-path algorithm, an improved algorithm was developed by Hu and Gu (2008) to solve the problem of optimum route planning in vehicle navigation systems and the method is based on the standard GA and the lambda-interchange local search method....
Fuzzy Logic Based Navigation for Multiple Mobile Robots in ...
A number of approaches for tackling the problem of robot navigation have been presented, such as neural network [], genetic algorithm [], artificial vision method [], vector field histogram (VFH) [], artificial potential field (APF) approach [] and curvature velocity method [] in static environment.Most of these methods are usually used in global path planning and hardly be used in real-time ...