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Viewing 31-40 of 48 total results
A new optimization-driven path planning method with ...
An important technique for the exploration of extraterrestrial planets during recent years is path planning. 1 However, there hardly exists a single path planning approach that can achieve all the exploration objectives or fulfill all the actual constraints. The main reason is that the tasks are performed in uncertain and complex environments and affected by additional hazards, such as ...
Conference and Journal Papers:
N. Sadati, M. Hajian, M. Zamani, Unit commitment using particle swarm-based-simulated annealing optimization approach 2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS 2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007. N. Sadati , B. Marami, Fuzzy wavelet modeling using data clustering 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM 2007 ...
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Sampling-based A algorithm for robot
the-art use of simulated annealing in motion planning (Zucker et al., 2013). We mention these methods mainly because one of the central novelty in the present paper is the application of a simulated annealing strategy to balance exploration and exploitation in the proposed sampling-based motion planner. This paper is organized as follows.
Goal-Oriented Obstacle Avoidance with Deep Reinforcement ...
in our everyday lives is increasing. Currently, robots are freely interacting with physical environments and navigating in them. However, realizing this in varying real-world situations can still be a daunting task. In unpredictable surroundings, such fundamental capabilities as mobile robot navigation require much attention.
 Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques and Its ...
A path planning based on PF approach with SA is developed in [72].Finally, in [71] was presented a multi operator based SA approach for navigation in uncertain environments. A case particle are militar applications, with an uninhabited combat air vehicle (UCAV)....
Research & Projects - shridharshah
Shah S. K., Pahlajani C.D. and Tanner H. G., "Probability of success in stochastic robot navigation with state feedback", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2011, San Fransisco ().This specific method deals with probabilistic validation of different robot controllers for obstacle avoidance and convergence using first-exit time theories in stochastic ......
Fuzzy Logic-Genetic Algorithm-Neural Network for Mobile ...
Zhu A. and Yang S. X. Neurofuzzy-Based Approach to Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Applications and Reviews, 37(4): 610--621 ...
Landmark Sequence Data Association for Simultaneous ...
Data Association for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Graph Theoretic Approach. - In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2000, 2512-2517. 19.
The orienteering problem - Golden - 1987 - Naval Research ...
Stefan Jorgensen, Robert H. Chen, Mark B. Milam, Marco Pavone, The Team Surviving Orienteers problem: routing teams of robots in uncertain environments with survival constraints, Autonomous Robots, 10.1007/s10514-017-9694-1, 42, 4, (927-952), (2017).
 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Decision ...
implementing the simulated annealing algorithm for robot path planning. Evolved from improved A* shortest-path algorithm, an improved algorithm was developed by Hu and Gu (2008) to solve the problem of optimum route planning in vehicle navigation systems and the method is based on the standard GA and the lambda-interchange local search method....
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