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Enhancing the Precision of Walsh Wavelet Based Approach ...
The color and texture features of the images are extracted using Walsh Wavelet and the shape feature is extracted by edge detection using any of Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt or Canny Operator. The performance of the approach is tested based on the precision values on a database containing 44 images....
 Enhancing the Precision of Walsh Wavelet Based Approach ...
Hiremath and Pujari [15] used all the three features, i.e. color, texture and shape for CBIR and achieved higher retrieval efficiency using image and its complement. Kek re et al. [16] discussed an image retrieval method based on the shape features extracted using the gradient operators and slope magnitude technique...
P.S.Hiremath, S. Shivashankar, and Jagadeesh Pujari Dept. of P.G.Studies and Research in Computer Science, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. Abstract This paper describes an algorithm for texture feature extraction using wavelet decomposed coefficients of an image and its complement. Four different approaches to color texture...