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 Specifying Data Bases Management Systems by Using RM-ODP ...
semantics part [4] for the specification of ODP concepts. Unfortunately, up to now, no formal method is suitable to specify and verify every aspect of an ODP system. The inherent characteristics of ODP systems imply the need to integrate different specification languages and to handle non-behavioral properties of ODP systems that is the QoS...
computational, engineering and technology provide a basis for the specification of ODP systems. In this paper we treat the need of formal notation of ODP viewpoint languages. The languages Z, SDL, LOTOS, and Esterel are used in RM-ODP architectural semantics part [4] for the specification of ODP concepts. However, no formal method is...
 Specifying QoS Structural Constraints in RM- ODP
behavioral concepts in the foundations part and in the enterprise language [12] [13]. Furthermore, for modeling ODP systems correctly by construction, the current Specifying and Verifying techniques [17] are not widely accepted. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 introduces RM-ODP and QoS specification. Section 2 reflects on the
Architecting with RM-ODP (eBook, 2001) []
Motivation for RM-ODP. Benefits Achievable from Using RM-ODP. Where RM-ODP Fits in the Lifecycle. How RM-ODP Is Used. How RM-ODP Facilitates Business Specification. RM-ODP Elements for Use. Prerequisite Skill Base. Investment Needed. Summary.3. RM-ODP Architect's Primer. More About RM-ODP. RM-ODP Concepts and Techniques for Use. How RM-ODP Is ......
 A Formal Foundation of the RM-ODP Conceptual Framework
building complete and consistent system specifications, and allow for the formal verification of resulting models. The possibility of the verification would significantly facilitate localization of specification faults. We consider RM-ODP to be a standard, so we will not modify any of the ODP definitions in the process of their formalization....