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Image Recognition and Image Processing Techniques | by ...
Image recognition or a computer vision is a technical discipline that deals with searching the ways to automate all the job that a human visual system can do. ... Independent Component Analysis ...
Action recognition based on overcomplete independent ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) , , a specific case of sparse coding when constraining the number of basis functions to equal the feature dimension, also shows similar response properties with simple cells in visual cortex and achieves success in face recognition and action recognition .
Independent component analysis: an introduction ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) is a method for automatically identifying the underlying factors in a given data set. This rapidly evolving technique is currently finding applications in analysis of biomedical signals (e.g. ERP, EEG, fMRI, optical imaging), and in models of visual receptive fields and separation of speech signals.
Principal Manifolds and Probabilistic Subspaces for Visual ...
We investigate the use of linear and nonlinear principal manifolds for learning low-dimensional representations for visual recognition. Several leading techniques: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and nonlinear Kernel PCA (KPCA) are examined and tested in a visual recognition experiment using 1,800+ facial images from the "FERET"database....
 Action recognition based on overcomplete independent ...
Independent component analysis (ICA) [5,19], a specific case of sparse coding when constraining the number of basis functions to equal the feature dimension, also shows similar response properties with simple cells in visual cortex and achieves success in face recognition [2] and action recognition [29].