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Viewing 31-40 of 48 total results
Browse Open Access Journals | International Journals ...
International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Scientific Research (IJPSR) is one of the best Open Access peer reviewed journal which provides an opportunity to share the information among the Researchers, Scientists, and other professionals across the globe. The journal aims to deliver a wide range of solutions and provide latest developments in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences....
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International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs (ISSN ...
Description International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs: IJDRA is a Quarterly open access Journal of Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property Rights and Pharmaceutical Sciences and intended to be of interest to a broad audience of pharmaceutical professionals.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics - Elsevier
The International Journal of Pharmaceutics has an open access mirror journal International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.. The International Journal of Pharmaceutics is the second most cited journal in the Pharmaceutical Sciences field out of 168 journals, being the true home for pharmaceutical ......
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs: Vol 33, No 2-4
All journal articles featured in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs vol 33 issue 2-4
IJRDPL is an official publication of SRDE (Society for research and Development in Education). It is an international peer-reviewed, open access, multidisciplinary journal, scheduled to appear bi-monthly and with the aim to serve as a mean for scientific
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International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs ...
IJDRA is a broad-spectrum, open-access & peer-reviewed International Pharmaceutical Journal circulated electronically via the world wide web. It cover the subjects-Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property Rights and Pharmaceutical Development and intended to be of interest to a broad audience of pharmaceutical professionals....
International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs ...
SJIF Value - International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs: IJDRA a broad-spectrum, open-access & peer-reviewed International Pharmaceutical Journal circulated electronically via the world wide web. It cover the subjects - Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property Rights and Pharmaceutical Development and intended to be of interest to a broad audience of pharmaceutical professionals....
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Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory ...
Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs is an international journal with market leadership in readership and contributions that are scientific, original, relevant, innovative and statistically validated. The journal aims to further bridge the gap in the publication of clinical drug development and regulatory affairs between high growth and potentially growing regions....
International Journal Of
INTRODUCTION: Regulatory challenges in global pharmaceutical market lead to the new drug, and generics development to a large extent.For the globalization at the international level regulatory challenges contribute a great extent. As there are too many similarities around the world in concern with drug safety and availability, differences and similarities in regulatory system and drug markets ......
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Novel Sciences is a open-access international scientific journal, is dedicated to the superior research and review articles encompassing a variety of topics related to Pharmacy and Novel sciences on the basis of its originality, importance, disciplinary interest, elegance, surprising ...
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