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Viewing 41-49 of 49 total results
 Robust progressive image transmission over OFDM systems ...
noisy channel (e.g., [4]). These can be regarded as true joint source-channel coding and 2) the source code is optimized for a noiseless channel, and is then made robust toward channel errors by a optimal channel coding and/or modulation policy to minimize the channel errors while optimizing the throughput [2], [8]–[10], [12]....
Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image ...
After that, a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem is formulated to find the optimal number of JPEG 2000 quality layers for the image and the number of channel coding packets for each JPEG 2000 codeblock that can minimize the reconstructed image distortion for the two users, subject to a rate constraint....
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Transmission of Still Images Using Low-Complexity Analog ...
An analog joint source-channel coding (JSCC) system designed for the transmission of still images is proposed and its performance is compared to that of two digital alternatives which differ in the source encoding operation: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and JPEG without entropy coding (JPEGw/oEC), respectively, both relying on an optimized channel encoder–modulator tandem....
KWASINSKI and LIU: TOWARD A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF DIVERSITY IN JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING 91 Source Encoder (rate x) Channel Encoder (rate r) AWGN Channel SNR Source Decoder Channel Decoder Source Recovered Fig. 1. Block diagram of the system under study transmission in mobile channels, [23] for image transmission...
Empirical r ate-distor tion study of compressiv e sensing ...
derive bounds for the rate-distortion, while [6] presents a rate-distortion analysis by representing the compressive sensing problems using a set of differential equations derived from a bipartite graph. In a recent work [7], a joint source-channel-network coding scheme is proposed using compressive sensing for wireless network with AWGN channels....
 Design of VQ-Based Hybrid Digital-Analog Joint Source ...
Index Terms: Hybrid digital-analog coding, joint source-channel coding, vector quantization, broadcasting, robustness, image coding, discrete wavelet transform. 1Introduction In applications such as broadcasting and robust communication of analog-valued sources over wireless channels, there is a large variation in channel conditions de-...
after source-encoding and the explicit redundancies from chan-nel codes are used for protecting the data. Furthermore, in the proposed experimental image transmission system the source and channel encoding rates are jointly allocated in a rate-distortion sense. For the source correlation a two-dimensional model [5] is used, and at the decoder ......
Yashas Malur S. - Graduate Research Assistant - Georgia ...
In this paper, we study joint source-channel coding of Gaussian sources over multiple AWGN channels where the source dimension is greater than the number of channels.
 Iterative Source-Channel Decoding for Error-Resilient ...
3 Joint Allocation of Source and Channel Coding Rates When considering the transmission model in Fig. 1 for every subband in a subband image compression scheme, we have the additional problem of choosing the individual bit rates for the subbands and the channel coding rates for a given rate budget µÊ...
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