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Viewing 11-20 of 47 total results
System-Level Modeling of a Network-on-Chip
D. Shukla and A. Jain, “Estimation of Ready Queue Processing Time under Systematic Lottery Scheduling Scheme”, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 4(1), pp. 74 – 81, 2010. 6
Scheduling Scheme - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Service time distribution represents the amount of packets that can be serviced to the user per each time interval, defining the output of the system queue. Even the service time can be known for certain scheduling schemes, but the characterization of the service rate is very difficult for the wireless channels, due to the multipath, fading and ......
Kalman Filtering Solution Converges on a Personal Computer ...
A process, which is a time-varying running program in four parts composes the system under investigation here. It is shown it is possible to apply Kalman filtering on a digital personal computer’s system with particularly the four parts like the ones under investigation. A computing process is performed during a period of time called latency....
 International Journal for Research in Engineering ...
queue. Shukla et al., demonstrates a Prediction of Ready Queue Processing Time in Multiprocessor Environment Using Lottery Scheduling and furthermore clarify a lottery resource idea with holding up line. Manish Vyas et al., examined customary lottery scheduling scheme is designed and expanded out alongside a few...
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 Prediction of Ready Queue Processing Time in ...
system. Lottery scheduling is a procedure where, instead of purposive, the random selection of jobs is taken into account. This provides avenue to apply probability models to derive properties of system and to estimate various system parameters. This paper is an attempt to predict ready queue processing total time using lottery scheduling assuming...
Kalman Filter Applied to a Digital Computing Process to ...
Estimation of ready queue processing time under Group Lottery Scheduling (GLS) in multiprocessor environment, International Journal of Computer and Applications, Number 14, Volume 8, pp.39-45. 2010. [4] Cadzow, James A.; Martens, Hinrich R., Discrete-time and computer control systems, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 2011. [5]...
List of Open Access publications for International Journal ...
Estimation of Ready Queue Processing Time Under Systematic Lottery Scheduling Scheme : D. Shukla, Anjali Jain : Pages - 74 - 81 | Revised - 25-02-2010 | Published - 26-03-2010 : Full Text Available (117.16KB) MORE INFORMATION : Full Citation | Full Text PDF | Abstract | References | Related Articles
Scheduling Flashcards | Quizlet
The ready queue is treated as a circular queue. The CPU scheduler goes around the ready queue, allocating the CPU to each process for a time interval of up to 1 time quantum. To implement RR scheduling, the ready queue is again treated as a FIFO queue of processes - i.e. new processes are added to the tail of the ready queue....
Process Scheduling - Rutgers University
Conceptually, lottery scheduling works by allocating a specific number of “tickets” to each process. The more tickets a process has, the higher its chance of being scheduled. For example, suppose that we have 100 tickets in total and three processes to run: A, B, and C. We would like to schedule process A twice as frequently as processes B ......
Scheduling (computing) - Wikipedia
Earliest deadline first (EDF) or least time to go is a dynamic scheduling algorithm used in real-time operating systems to place processes in a priority queue. Whenever a scheduling event occurs (a task finishes, new task is released, etc.), the queue will be searched for the process closest to its deadline, which will be the next to be scheduled for execution....
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