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Viewing 31-40 of 49 total results
The Medical School MMI Interview (With Exmaple Questions ...
The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI interview) is a station-based interview used to assess an applicant’s “soft skills,” qualities, characteristics, values, ideals, and decision making skills. In contrast to a traditional one on one interview, a typical MMI interview consists of a circuit of eight to 10 stations through which interviewees ...
PEGASUS: A State-of-the-Art Model for Abstractive Text ...
This abstractive text summarization is one of the most challenging tasks in natural language processing, involving understanding of long passages, information compression, and language generation. The dominant paradigm for training machine learning models to do this is sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) learning, where a neural network learns to ...
text of retriev al and summarization. The Maxi-mal Marginal Relev ance (MMR) criterion striv es to re-duce redundancy while main taining query relev ance in re-ranking retriev ed do cumen ts and in selecting appro-priate passages for text summarization. Preliminary re-sults indicate some b ene ts for MMR div ersit y ranking in do cumen t ...
How Medical School Applicant Race, Ethnicity, and ...
The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) is replacing traditional interviews at medical schools. 1–5 In the MMI, trained raters evaluate applicants in a series of brief, timed, structured stations, and station ratings are pooled to yield a summary score. Stations are designed to assess skills that are difficult to ascertain from medical school applications, such as interpersonal communication ...
What Is Multiculturalism? Definition, Theories, and Examples
In sociology, multiculturalism describes the manner in which a given society deals with cultural diversity. Based on the underlying assumption that members of often very different cultures can coexist peacefully, multiculturalism expresses the view that society is enriched by preserving, respecting, and even encouraging cultural diversity.
What it’s Like to Participate in Multiple Mini Interviews ...
Based on the research, schools using the MMI format believe it produces a more reliable assessment of a candidate and limits interview biases due to the number of interactions. Because students interact with multiple interviewers in multiple assessments over the course of the MMI, opinions of a single interviewer are not over-emphasized.
Organizational Behavior: Chapter 2 "Diversity in ...
Surface-level diversity: are those differences that are easily noticeable such as age, gender, ethnicity/race, culture, language, disability etc. Not easy to change. Example: Racial differences cannot be scaled down to zero. Deep-level diversity: not easily noticeable and measurable since they are communicated through verbal and non-verbal ...
The Diversity-Based Approach to Open-domain Text ...
The Diversity-Based Approach to Open-domain Text Summarization. Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji. Information Processing & Management, v39 n3 p363-89 May 2003. Introduces a novel approach to unsupervised text summarization. Proposes an "information-centric" approach to evaluation, where the quality of summaries is judged not in terms of how ......
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Text Generation With LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in ...
Recurrent neural networks can also be used as generative models. This means that in addition to being used for predictive models (making predictions) they can learn the sequences of a problem and then generate entirely new plausible sequences for the problem domain. Generative models like this are useful not only to study how well a model has learned a problem, but to
10.1016/j.eswa.2012.04.067 | 10.1016/j.eswa ... - DeepDyve
Swarm diversity-based method ( Binwahlan, Salim, & Suanmali, 2010 ) is an integration of the two methods MMI (Maximal Marginal Importance) diversity-based text summarization ( Binwahlan, Salim, & Suanmali, 2009 ) and swarm-based text summarization. Currently, the most widely used summarization methods are clustering based....
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