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Viewing 11-20 of 48 total results
Applying probability navigation function in dynamic ...
Optimization: Given the set of N f w d PNFs, we wish to determine an optimal path using a simulated annealing approach. The initial path is the one generated by a collection of points, each follows the gradient descent of the relevant N f w d PNF. We mark the set of the path nodes by Λ = (λ k, …, λ k + N f w d) where λ k = x r o b is the current (the k th time step) robot location....
Dynamic Stabilization of NAO Humanoid Robot Based on Whole ...
The simulated annealing approach is preferred to tune WBC to get efficient stabilization and eliminate the earlier limitation. In addition, the zero-moment point (ZMP) criterion is taken care of as it affects the stability of the humanoid robot aggressively.
 REFERENCES - Shodhganga
A multi-operator based simulated annealing approach for robot navigation in uncertain environments. Int. J. Comput. Sci. ... Secur. 4(1): 50-61. 93 Miao H, Tian YC (2008). Robot path planning in dynamic environments using a simulated annealing based approach. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and ......
Adaptive Emotional Personality Model based on Fuzzy Logic ...
A multi-operator based simulated annealing approach for robot navigation in uncertain environments. International Journal of Computer Science and Security, 4(1), 50-61. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING
 Evolution of Neural Controllers for Robot Navigation in ...
human environments. Furthermore, we compared the performance of neural controllers with an algorithmic vision based control method. Key words: Robot navigation, vision, neural networks, evolutionary algorithm INTRODUCTION The general problem of designing a machine for real time navigation and obstacle avoidance in an arbitrary environment is ......
TLBO-Based Adaptive Neurofuzzy Controller for Mobile Robot ...
This work investigates the possibility of using a novel evolutionary based technique as a solution for the navigation problem of a mobile robot in a strange environment which is based on Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization. TLBO is employed to train the parameters of ANFIS structure for optimal trajectory and minimum travelling time to reach the goal....
Obstacle avoidance of mobile robots using modified ...
In recent years, topics related to robotics have become one of the researching fields. In the meantime, intelligent mobile robots have great acceptance, but the control and navigation of these devices are very difficult, and the lack of dealing with fixed obstacles and avoiding them, due to safe and secure routing, is the basic requirement of these systems. In this paper, the modified ...
Fuzzy logic control in support of autonomous navigation of ...
The most common of these in the field of robot path planning is simulated annealing. Simulated annealing is a method for approximating the global minimum of a generated path geometry function over a large search space possessing non-linearity and discontinuity ( Martínez-Alfaro and Gómez-García 1998 ).
Different Nature-Inspired Techniques Applied for Motion ...
Miao H, Tian YC. Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments using a Simulated Annealing Based Approach. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). 2008:1253-1258. Synodinos A, Aspragathos NA. Robot Path Planning of a Mobile Robot using Solid Modeling Techniques on Potential Fields....
 Different Nature-Inspired Techniques Applied for Motion ...
Wheeled robot navigation in unknown environments using Evolutionary-group-based particle-swarm optimized fuzzy controller Kundu, et al. [47] Designed navigational strategy for mobile robot using fuzzy-neuro approach Pradhan, et al. [48] Presented navigation of multiple mobile robots using rule-based-neuro-fuzzy technique Algabri, et al. [50 ......
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